On today’s blog, we’ll go over some of the foods that will not only make you happy but healthy as well, all in moderation of course.
On today’s blog, we’ll go over some of the foods that will not only make you happy but healthy as well, all in moderation of course.
Every thirty seconds someone has a stroke in the EU, where there are approximately 7.5 million stroke survivors, and 1 million people each year are hospitalised with a brain injury. Up to 30% of these experience a resultant vision disorder, up to 20% permanently. Many have received little hope from their doctors that anything can…
In the context of neurological visual field loss we very often hear about hemianopia, the loss of the right or left half of the visual field in both eyes. However, some patients with neurological visual field loss find the term “quadrantanopia” in their medical records. If “hemianopia” means that you cannot see in half of…
At NovaVision we are sometimes asked the question: “what is the difference between your therapies and a brain training app I can download for less money?”
Rehabilitation is an essential part of the recovery process after a stroke so it’s important to investigate the options to help you to choose what’s right for you. Technology can play a major role in the recovery of stroke patients, including those with vision loss. Indeed, NovaVision’s computer based therapies can help patients regain some…
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